blog entry #4 - no blog, just fav songs
11/28/22 - Monday 9:07 pm
this is a really random post but i just kinda feel like posting my favorite songs here bc why not
- family line - conan gray
- father - front bottoms
- WHERE ARE THEY NOW - emily jeffri
- heaven knows im miserable now - the smiths
- GET GONE (alt ver)- distrokid ft. axxad
- destroyed by hippie powers - car seat headrest
- i hate living - car seat headrest
- wife - mitski
- vixen - destroy boys
- tears over beers - modern baseball
- hungover in the city of dust - autoheart
- baggage - rare americans
- evelyn evelyn + sandy fishnets - evelyn evelyn (it's the name of the album and the fictional artist)
- sex sells - lovejoy
- sweet cis teen - dazey and the scouts
- rosemary - deftones
- mascara - deftones
signing off, atlas ♥