blog entry #11 - botw and its flaws
5/10/23 - Wednesday
dawg what the shit
i've been gone for a while. i know. again. not like anyone really reads these but still i think it's funny my last post was like oh yeah i'll be back in a few days or so and make consistent posts and then i just disappeared for another four months
anyways let's talk about botw because i love this game to death and it changed my life and saved me from dying or something but it has flaws like literally every game does except for mario galaxy i will defend that until my death bed
so first thing. im not listing the weapon breaking as a flaw because i thought it added an extra layer of challenge to the beginning of the game with enemies that are stronger than you and have good weapons but you can yoink them if you hit them enough times but it does kinda get annoying later on, like when i was finding korok seeds and going back to areas from earlier on in the game and then getting shit weapons because yeah
obviously major problem i have is with the korok seed system because right now i'm trying to find them all. it spans between three areas of difficulty. we have extremely easy, like where you just pick up a rock or hit a hanging acorn light thing, medium, where you have to jump in a circle of leaves in the water or follow a yellow teleporting flower. then you have hard (or at least the ones i had the most difficulty with) shooting balloons that are either moving extremely fast and teleporting around or are in hard to reach places that you'll have to jump off cliffs and slow motion shoot to get, and throwing rocks into the center of a circle of more rocks. not that they're not fun to do, the puzzles are usually challenging and i appreciate that in some respect, but at the same time they are so tedious to find and the only reason i really want to find all 900 korok seeds is so i can progress in getting 100% done. not to mention your "prize" for getting all of them is korok poop (but fancy)
another thing that peeved my jeeves? the final trials. the beginning? fine. middle? sure, whatever. but the final trials? i'd rather rip out my left eye and run out into the middle of a busy highway than ever do that again. it's just a challenge, sure, and completely optional, but i'm a completionist i can't help it man..........anyways if you're planning on doing it anytime in the future my genuine advice is take your time and really conserve anything you can. keep your flame weapons for the later floors if you want to make things quick in the ice levels. save the stone smasher you get at some point for the guardians because it's easier to work with (to me anyway). save guardian arrows for the love of god if you want to get done with the two lynels on different floors you'll face if you want to get past them without using up all your weapons and food. not taking my time and patiently waiting for enemies to forget i existed so i could sneak attack was probably my biggest mistake and what set me back so often and why it took me a week and a half just to finish.
also i guess the only other gripe i have with the game is that good bows are so hard to come across why do i have four royal bows, three duplex bows with one of them almost broken and one random gerudo bow i found after a molduga fight like be fr
signing off, atlas ♥