blog entry #10 - IM ALIVE
1/22/23 - Sunday
wow it's been a while huh?? yeah ive been gone for. several weeks. i meant to update a lot during christmas break but i just didn't feel motivated and i was playing splatoon and a couple other new games i got which i will be making entries about soon hopefully. i literally have no other excuse
i want to make some blog entries about horror rpg games, specifically mad father, the witch's house and crooked man respectively. the mad father remake was so good man i could talk about it forever. maybe one day we'll get a crooked man remake but im honestly not sure. i just remembered it took me like a whole week to beat the crooked man in full and honestly it shouldnt have even if some of the puzzles are hard to figure out, especially the hopsital section. that shit was absolutely ridiculous or maybe im just remembering it weird idk
i also need to talk about my sims soon. i started playing the sims 4 again and getting caught up on the new expansions and kits and i started using mods again. they're honestly really fun when you know how to get them to work, especially the hair mods. it adds a lot of hairstyles i needed tbh. i definitely have to make a respective post about my one sims household because it honestly played out like an mtv show lmao
uhh anyways i have school tomorrow so im gonna go plan my outfit and probably brush my teeth idk i guess we'll fuck around and find out
signing off, atlas ♥